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Camponotus laevissimus (formerly laevigatus), also known as the smooth carpenter ant, is a species of ant found throughout much of the United States and Canada. These ants are known for their smooth and shiny black bodies, which can range in size from 6-13mm.


C. laevissimus is a wood-nesting species and is commonly found in dead and decaying wood. They are known to forage for food, including sweet and protein-rich substances.


One of the unique features of C. laevissimus is their ability to reproduce without the need for a queen ant. This is known as "gamergate" reproduction, where a worker ant takes on the reproductive role of the queen. This allows for colonies to quickly and efficiently expand their population.


The Camponotus laevissimus play an important role in the ecosystem as decomposers. They help break down dead wood, allowing for the recycling of nutrients and the creation of new habitats for other organisms. They are fascinating species with unique reproductive abilities and an important role in the ecosystem.

Camponotus Laevissimus (Smooth Carpenter Ant)

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